4 Eye contact Tips For Better Social Life (with 5 FAQs)

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Here you are learn how I became so SOCIAL despite being an introvert

So here are those 5 types of eye-contact techniques which I used to IMPROVE my Social life and you can use too (with step-by-step guide)

The reason you should learn eye-contact techniques is because Eyes are the symbol of power in communication without which no powerful impact can be made on people

You will learn 4 eye-contact techniques which are :
  • The Inverted Triangular Gaze (The Social Gaze)
  • The Triangular Gaze (The Forehead Gaze)
  • The Power Stare
  • The Squint Eyes Technique
This blog also has answers to the MOST SEARCHED queries (FAQs) regarding 'eye contact' on the internet

So lets dive in :


Use : Do you also get confused about- How to make eye contact upon meeting someone ?? 

Or you want to create SEXUAL ATTRACTION in your girl but don't know how to do that thing??

Then try this "Social Gaze" technique

Steps to do "Social Gaze" technique  :

(i) First look in person's one eye (either left or right)
(ii) Then look at his lips
(iii) And now again look in his another eye (remaining right or left)

By doing this, that person will perceive you as Intelligent, social and extremely confident

Tip : Smile while doing social gaze, it adds MORE EFFECT

Looking at lips for few more seconds creates sexual tension in girls


Use : Do people try to dominate, insult or bully you ?? 
And you don't know how to shut their mouth ??

Then try this "Forehead Gaze" technique

Steps to do "The Forehead Gaze" technique :

(i) Imagine that person has one extra eye between his eyebrows on the forehead
(Like Lord Shiva has)

(ii) First look in person's one eye (either left or right)
(iii) Then look at his 3rd eye on the forehead
(iv) Now look back to his another eye (remaining right or left)

Tip : Pause for a few more seconds while gazing his 3rd eye , then slowly look down his eyes

Looking on FOREHEAD for a long time, creates extreme "discomfort" in your target


Use : Want to know how to deal with people who is trying to dominate you, insult you or make fun of you ??

Then try this "The Power Stare" technique 

Steps to do "The Power Stare" technique :

(1) Just look at your target person's BOTH eyes. Don't smile
(2) Keeping staring his eyes and don't blink either
(3) Say this in your mind, ''Shut your mouth or I will break it"

TIP : Remember to NOT SMILE while staring him or this technique will not work


Use : Want to know how to extract more information from people WITHOUT asking ??

Then try "The Squint Eyes" technique 

Steps to do "The Squint Eyes" technique :

(1) Let the person talk
(2) You just stare his both eyes without blinking
(3) Now slowly NARROW (squint) your eyes like Donald Trump is doing in the above image
(4) Don't smile just look at him 

Tip : You can do a PARROTING TECHNIQUE that is "repeat his last words back to him" 
     This will add more effect and depth to your conversation

NOW I am answering to questions asked by most of the people regarding "eye contact"  on the internet :

(1) What is the most easiest way to make Eye-contact with a stranger ??

Answer : Whenever you meet someone, first NOTICE THEIR EYE COLOR. Is it brown, black, dark brown , yellow or green ?  It takes just 3 seconds and its powerful, easy and comfortable enough to create long-lasting impression

(2) How to make eye-contact with a Girl ?
Answer : Use "The Social Gaze" Technique 

(3) How to create sexual attraction in a Girl using eye-contact ?
Answer : Look deep in her eyes while doing "The Social Gaze" technique

(4) How to hold eye-contact for a LONG time with someone ?
Answer : Just keep looking at her eyes to understand WHAT he is talking about and HOW he is feeling about it. This will force you to HOLD your eye-contact for a LONG period of time

(5) How to maintain Good eye-contact with anyone ??
Answer : Just COPY (mirror) his/her Eye movements
 If he is looking in your eyes then you also look in her eyes. If she is breaking eye-contact then you also break your eye-contact too

So these are 5 eye-contact tips for you to easily improve your social life with 5 FAQs
Now I did like to hear from YOU, ''Which eye-contact technique you was new to you and you are thinking to give it a try ?? ''

Let me know by your comment by sharing in the comment box below

Thanks for reading !!!


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