7 Features Of Ideal Male Body (According to Females)

This blog will tell you everything about what is an Ideal Male Body (according to Females) looks like

Also know - what are the woman's favorite MALE body parts they find quite attractive ??


Women get sexually attracted to certain aspects of male body parts.

And that's what YOU WANT. Right ??

So without testing your patience,

Let's dive in :


Women prefer men with BROAD shoulders -over "men with THIN shoulders"

Why do women prefer men with broad shoulders as Best and most Attractive?

The evolutionary reason is - During Ancient times Men used to carry HEAVY wood logs and wild animals on their Broad shoulders
Nature evolved this 'BROAD shoulder' feature to help men carry Heavy weapons and carry their Food(animals) over a LONG distance

On the other side, men with THIN shoulders cannot carry HEAVY stuff as they do not have that WIDE shoulders

So this is the reason why women DON'T prefer "thin" shoulders over WIDE shoulders
(Watch THIS video to get BROAD shoulders)

In ancient times, the BIGGER the man's chest is, the MORE respect he gets from females and the MORE command he has over people

This is still the case with the most primitive "surviving" Tribes

But why do women love Men with BIGGER chests ??
The reason is again EVOLUTIONARY and SUBCONSCIOUS as well

The evolutionary reason is - Male Hunters used to chase and kill Wild animals for food over a LONG distance for which a LARGE amount of Stamina was required
Subconsciously, the BIG chest represents "LARGE lungs" enabling more effective distribution of oxygen in the body (allowing Male Hunter to run and catch his prey over a LONG distance)

On the other hand, a SMALL chest represents "SMALL lungs" and hence LOW stamina (Difficult to run and catch Animals for Food)
(Watch THIS video to get a BIGGER chest )

Similarly, women love Strong BIG Muscular arms 

Male hunters used to carry HEAVY weapons in their HANDS

Arms showing muscles and veins were considered "STRONG"

Strong enough to lift those HEAVY weapons and animals
(Watch THIS video to Get Strong Muscular Forearms)

(4) V-shaped TORSO
Women tend to have an attraction to men's "upper torso"

Male body Torso has different shapes mainly- Rectangular, Inverted Triangular, Trapezoid, Triangular, Teddy Bear, and Oval

So the question is...
WHICH type of body "torso" do women find attractive ??

And the answer is: V-shaped torso (especially Trapezoid and Inverted Triangle body-type)

Why only the V-shape torso (Trapezoid and Inverted Triangle) ??

Because V-shape TORSO has :

 (1) WIDE SHOULDERS (Allows to carry HEAVY things)

(2) BIG CHEST (allows to take more oxygen while running) &

(3) NARROW WAIST (Allows male hunters to run over a long distance for chasing animals)

But one more thing...

Women DISLIKE the "muscle man" bodybuilder look because women feel that he is likely to be more interested in HIS beauty rather than her

(Watch THIS video to Get a V-shape Body Torso)

 (5) 90% waist-to-hip RATIO
There are different types of Male Body types, having different waist-hips size each especially - Slim, Tone, Muscular, Stocky, and Large

Hence they've different waist-hips sizes
Here "Muscular" body type has the BEST waist-hips ratio

Now the question is...

WHAT waist-hips size do women prefer in men ??
And the answer is: Waist which is 90% of his Hips size

Yes, women find the 90% waist-to-hips ratio the most APPEALING

In the above image, the guys of the UK, US, Venezuela, and the Phillipines have that 90% waist-to-hips ratio

A small tight butt is the FAVOURITE male body part of women

Very few people understand the magnetic power of a "Small-tight" Butt

The evolutionary reason is that a strong muscular rear is necessary to make the strong forward thrusting motion required for successful sperm transfer during sex

While a male with a BIG rear will find it difficult to make a forward thrust during sex because he may throw his entire body weight into the thrust
And that is very UNCOMFORTABLE for women as it makes her very difficult to BREATHE

So that is the reason why SMALL tight butt is better than a BIG butt as it promises a better chance of doing sex effectively
(Watch THIS video to get a Small-tight Butt)

Men's LEGS are attractive as they are symbols of Masculine power and Strength

Women find males with Angular Muscular LONG legs as quite ATTRACTIVE 
Because LONG legs allow male hunters to cover LONG distances in a SHORT period in comparison to "males with SHORT legs"
(Watch THIS video to get Long Muscular Legs)

So let's summarize all the above 7 features of the Ideal Male Body (According To Females) :

  1. Broad Shoulders
  2. Big Chest
  3. Muscular Arms
  4. V-shaped Torso
  5. 90% waist-to-hip Ratio
  6. Small Tight Butt
  7. Long Muscular Legs

So are those 7 features of the Ideal Male Body (According To Females)

Now I did like to hear from YOU, ''Which body part do you naturally have or are willing to develop ?''

Let me know YOUR COMMENTS by sharing in the comment box below

Thanks for reading !!!


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