Easy ways to Get rid of ANXIETIES (instantly)

You are currently reading a blog on "How to get rid of Anxieties Instantly" in detail

In this blog you will get "complete" answers to following questions :

• How does Anxiety occurs
• What are the Types of Anxieties
• How long does Anxiety lasts
• Ways to cope with Anxieties

Let's Dive in :
ANXIETY has become one of the most common problem in people's lives

High Blood Pressure, Depression, and Confusion are the effects of ANXIETY

ANXIETY is a form of Fear embedded inside you right from birth

Fear is body's self-defence mechanism gifted by mother nature right from birth to protect yourself from external threats

It starts as a Chemical reaction inside the body when exposed to certain threats 

Cortisol, the fear hormone is associated to your Anxiety issues

When you "worry about results" then you create ANXIETY within yourself

Yes, it is YOU who creates Anxiety (it is your creation)

Once you start the process of "worrying" about the results, then Anxiety happens

Another reason for Anxiety is your Body's VATA dosha

VATA dosha dominant people are prone to Anxieties
(Check if your body dosha is VATA dominant)

Unfortunately, Anxieties are of various types but their causes are SAME

(1) Career Anxiety : People who worry about their future regarding their career (mostly students)

(2) Health Anxiety : People who worry about their Health issues (mostly Adults)

(3) Relationship Anxiety : People who worry about their Relationship issues (mostly 

(4) Financial Anxiety : People who worry about their Money issues

The duration of Anxiety VARIES according to their causes !!!

In some cases, Anxiety disappears INSTANTLY once you "accept the situation" and "stop worrying about results"

While some cases, it takes WEEKS and MONTHS

Sometimes it takes FEW YEARS for your anxiety to disappear if it is at extreme level

•  Here are the ways to COPE WITH ANXIETIES 

(1) Deep Breathing
Your anxiety goes away instantly once you SLOW-DOWN your body movements especially your Breathing pattern
    Sit in Lotus posture, close your eyes, and bring your attention to your Breathing pattern
   Observe how "deep" is your Inhale and Exhale (your belly must expand when you inhale)
  Breathing through the nose is the right way of Deep Breathing (not mouth)
(2) Engage in Creative work
It takes "free time" to worry about results and thus be Anxious
 Have you noticed ??
 You cannot be Anxious if your time and energy is engaged in some creative works

   Those creative works can be simple as: cleaning your house, washing clothes, sewing, cooking, gardening, shaving, dancing, praying, mediation, deep breathing, painting, drawing, writing, exercises, sports, etc...

   This works because your Anxiety is a "trapped energy" which waits to be released through some work
  All you need to do is just engage in some work for the sake of freedom from Anxiety

(3) Balance your VATA dosha
If you are familiar with Ayurved then you must have read about How VATA body doshic are more prone to Anxieties
    So if you regularly face Anxiety issues then the chances are High that your body dosha is VATA pre-dominant 

   I am myself a VATA doshic and thus I regularly face Anxiety issues causing Heart palpitation, Depression, and Brainfogs
   In order to clam down my anxity I follow my VATA routines such as :
 • Body massage with warm oil
 • 5 minutes of Deep Breathing
 • Positive Self-Talk
 • Slow walk in Nature
 • Anxiety Relieving Yoga poses
(4) Slow walk in Nature
Go out of your House (the comfort zone) and take a "slow walk" in nature
  Forest and Beaches will help you a lot to get rid of your Anxieties
  Don't just walk on Sand and Water, INSTEAD "feel" the sand touching your feet and "feel" that water wetting your feets

     Because Mother Nature is your real Doctor who has solutions to all your problems whether be it mental or physical
   If the place is crowdy then avoid it because that crowd will increase your anxieties instead of decreasing them

(5) Yoga poses (slow)

(6) Let the GOD take care of your results
"My destiny is in my Hands" is most of the times NOT TRUE
   Because sometimes things are beyond your control and you can't do much except praying to God

  All you can do and must do is : DO YOUR ACTION and Let the God take care of Results
  Because at the end everything gets sorted out in a more beautiful way that you haven't imagined

(7) Self-talk 
I already described you that : Anxiety (fear) is your body's self-defence mechanism gifted by mother nature since your birth
    And that fear can be imaginary and your body cannot know about it

 So you can help yourself clam down by using SELF-TALK
     Yes, all you need to do is : Tell your mind that Everything is Alright and you are Safe 
    By saying so repeatedly, your Anxiety will Calm down in few minutes
   (Try it once because its worth it !! )

(8) Journalling
Writing is my Favourite activity because it helps me calm my Anxiety as well as to express my creative ideas to others
    Your days will be filled with Anxiety and sometimes with Pleasurable moments. Right ??

All you need is a Diary, Pen, and a Quiet place to reflect your thoughts
   Write !!! Write !!! Write !!!

Write down those every single thoughts running in your mind (word-to-word)
    By doing so, your "anxious" mind will turn unto a "calm" mind. That's the Magic !!!
(9) Mindful Meditation
(10) Cry with whole heart


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